Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When Tweets Attack

Want to piss someone off? Use Twitter as your outlet and then claim your account hacked.

That’s how Amber Rose does it. Sure, she says her Twitter was hacked Tuesday when followers read:

“Congrats to @thegame for having the #1 Album… Watch the Throne is Wack [sic] as @kanyewest ‘s D*ck anyway.”

Of course The Game, a West Coast rapper, responded and thanked her for the compliment, but minutes later she tweeted:

“WTF!!! I shut my phone off and changed my password how the h*ll are they still HACKING me???”


I’m convinced there is a strong possibility that the video vixen personally tweeted about how whack she believes Kanye West’s “Peter” to be, considering they did date once upon a time. I also have a new strategy to implement when I feel like being reckless in 140 characters or less: tweet it and claim it fraudulent; that way if someone’s offended you have a scapegoat.

But The Game had another tactic in mind for infuriating his adversaries – one that does involve a tweet but is coupled with an influx of phone calls.

The rapper tweeted to 580,000 followers about an internship opportunity he was offering, but the phone number mentioned in the tweet directed those interested to the Compton Sheriff’s Department.

Uh oh, trouble.

The sheriff logged on to the department’s Twitter and asked for the phone number to be removed from the post. It was removed, but The Game denied any responsibility for the tweet.

I guess it’s OK to live by the cyber mantra, Tweet It, Don’t Claim It.

Are there any examples of celebrity tweets gone bad that come to mind? Fire away below.

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