Friday, September 2, 2011

I've Got a Fever

I'm infected. It's consuming me. I can't think about anything else. Any second outside of class is spent satiating the desires of my sickness.

Diagnosis? It's football season. 

The weather is starting to cool down--outside of the southeast--and the excitement in the air is palpable. Fans everywhere are booking hotels, planning tailgates, and buying lots of beer in preparation of America's favorite sport.

Fantasy football is a symptom of football fever. This year, it's so bad that I'm doing two leagues after going 12-0 in the only league I played in last year. I'm addicted, just one league won't satisfy my cravings anymore.

I'm always experiencing withdrawals because I rarely get to see the Denver Broncos play. I'll admit, they're not good so they're never on prime time television but they're my team. My withdrawals have gotten so bad that I spend way more time on The Denver Post website than planted in my textbooks.

During Broncos games, I listen to the radio play-by-play online while watching the gamecast on, and simultaneously monitoring my fantasy team. Never mind that there's homework to be done. It can wait, and it will.

For Georgia games, I carefully contemplate the outfit that will get us the win. Has to be the right hat, right shirt, right pants, right belt, right boxers, right socks, right shoes. Or else. If Georgia loses, one or more articles of the outfit change. Generally the offending article will not be worn to another game.

Fantasy, professional, and college football all at my disposal yet the abundance is never enough. I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more football.

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